Root Canal in Pasadena, CA

Relief with Root Canal Treatment in Pasadena, CA

What causes root canal?

Root canals are needed when the inner part of your tooth, called the pulp, becomes inflamed or infected. There are a couple of main reasons why this might happen: If a cavity isn't treated, it can grow deep enough to reach the pulp. Bacteria from your mouth can then invade the pulp, causing inflammation or infection.
Damage to the tooth: This could be a crack, chip, or even a fracture caused by injury or clenching your jaw. Just like with cavities, this can expose the pulp to bacteria. In some cases, even if there's no visible damage, an injury can injure the pulp.
If you're experiencing any tooth pain, sensitivity, or swelling, it's a good idea to see a dentist to get checked out. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent the need for a root canal.

Root canal treatment steps

A root canal is a dental procedure to save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. The pulp, the inner part of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels, becomes inflamed or infected. This can cause pain, swelling, and sensitivity to hot or cold. Here’s a breakdown of the typical root canal treatment steps:

Numbing the area: A local anesthetic is used to numb the tooth and surrounding area. You may also be given medication to help you relax during the procedure.
Accessing the pulp: The dentist will create an opening in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp.
Removing the pulp: The dentist will carefully remove the inflamed or infected pulp tissue from the pulp chamber and root canals.
Cleaning and shaping the canals: The dentist will use small files and irrigation solutions to clean and disinfect the root canals. They will also shape the canals to prepare them for filling.
Filling the canals: The dentist will fill the cleaned and shaped canals with a biocompatible material, such as gutta-percha.
Sealing the tooth: The dentist will place a temporary filling on the tooth to seal it and protect it from bacteria.
Placing a crown: In most cases, a permanent crown will be placed on the tooth to restore its strength and function. This will typically be done in a separate appointment after the tooth has had time to heal.

Considering Aloha Dental in Pasadena for a root canal. What makes them the best choice for this procedure?

There are many benefits to getting a root canal treatment at Aloha Dental in Pasadena:
Experienced dentists: Aloha Dental has a team of experienced dentists who are skilled in performing root canals. They will be able to provide you with the care you need to save your tooth.
State-of-the-art equipment: Aloha Dental uses state-of-the-art equipment to perform root canals. This ensures that your procedure is as comfortable and efficient as possible.
Comfortable environment: Aloha Dental understands that going to the dentist can be stressful. They strive to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for their patients.
Convenient location: Aloha Dental is conveniently located in Pasadena, California. This makes it easy to get the care you need.

If you are experiencing tooth pain, it is important to see a dentist right away. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent the need for a root canal. However, if you do need a root canal, Aloha Dental in Pasadena is a great place to go.


Aloha Dental Pasadena

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Dental Root Canal Expert in Pasadena

Aloha Dental in Pasadena are experts in dental root canals. Our skilled dentists utilize state-of-the-art equipment to perform root canals comfortably and efficiently. Whether your priority is expertise or a relaxing environment, we cater to both. Our convenient Pasadena location makes getting the dental care you need a breeze.